Snowflakes and Code: A Journey Through Wintery Graphics in C

Table of Contents

❄️ Let’s create a simple yet captivating snow simulation using C and the Raylib library.

Here’s how to bring snowflakes to life on your screen and delightfully interact with them.

Setting the Scene

In this guide, we’ll build a basic snow simulation where snowflakes drift across the screen, and users can customize their appearance and behavior through a user interface.

We’ll cover the essentials of Raylib, a C library that simplifies graphics programming, and show you how to implement a dynamic and interactive snowfall effect.

int main(void) {
    const int screenWidth = 900;
    const int screenHeight = 750;

    InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "Relaxing Snow Application");

    Snowdrop drops[MAX_DROPS];

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DROPS; i++) {
        drops[i].position.x = GetRandomValue(0, screenWidth);
        drops[i].position.y = GetRandomValue(-screenHeight, 0);
        drops[i].speed = (float)GetRandomValue(50, 100) / 100.0f;
        drops[i].windSpeed = (float)GetRandomValue(-50, 50) / 100.0f;
        drops[i].gravity = (float)GetRandomValue(90, 110) / 100.0f;


    while (!WindowShouldClose()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DROPS; i++) {
            drops[i].position.y += drops[i].speed * drops[i].gravity;
            drops[i].position.x += drops[i].windSpeed;

            if (drops[i].position.y > screenHeight) {
                drops[i].position.y = GetRandomValue(-screenHeight, 0);
                drops[i].position.x = GetRandomValue(0, screenWidth);

        if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
            Vector2 mousePos = GetMousePosition();

            Rectangle colorButton = {10, 10, 100, 30};
            if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePos, colorButton)) {
                snowColor.r = (snowColor.r + 50 > 255) ? 100 : snowColor.r + 50;
                snowColor.g = snowColor.r;
                snowColor.b = snowColor.r;

            Rectangle sizeButton = {10, 50, 100, 30};
            if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePos, sizeButton)) {
                snowDropSize = (snowDropSize + 2) % 20;

            Rectangle densityButton = {10, 90, 100, 30};
            if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePos, densityButton)) {
                snowDensity = (snowDensity + 25) % (MAX_DROPS + 1);

            Rectangle windSpeedButton = {10, 130, 100, 30};
            if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePos, windSpeedButton)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DROPS; i++) {
                    drops[i].windSpeed = (float)GetRandomValue(-100, 100) / 100.0f;

// Visit Github below to view the full code

The Concept

Our snow simulation code is a straightforward example of using Raylib to create an interactive graphical application.

Let’s break down the key components:

  1. Data Structures: We define a Snowdrop struct to hold the properties of each snowflake, such as its position, speed, wind speed, and gravity.

    This structure helps us manage and update each snowflake individually.

  2. Initialization: In the main function, we initialize the window and create an array of Snowdrop instances.

    Each snowflake is assigned random properties to give the effect of a natural snowfall.

  3. User Interface: The DrawUI function renders a simple user interface where users can adjust the snowflake color, size, density, and wind speed.

    Clicking on various buttons allows us to interactively modify these parameters.

  4. Rendering: In the main loop, we update the position of each snowflake based on its properties and redraw the scene.

    Snowflakes that move off the screen are reset to the top, creating a continuous snowfall effect.

  5. Interaction: Mouse clicks are used to change the properties of the snowflakes.

    This adds an interactive element, allowing users to customize their snowy scene in real-time.

Key Takeaways

  1. Modular Design: By separating the snowflake properties, UI elements, and rendering logic, the code remains clean and easy to understand. Each component handles a specific aspect of the simulation.

  2. User Interaction: Incorporating interactive elements into graphics programming not only makes the application more engaging but also demonstrates how user input can influence graphical outputs.

  3. Raylib Simplicity: Raylib provides an intuitive API for 2D graphics programming, making it an excellent choice for beginners and rapid prototyping.

Creating a snow simulation with Raylib offers a fun way to learn graphics programming and interact with your creations.

Whether you’re adding features or just experimenting, this example is a solid foundation for exploring more advanced graphics concepts.☃️



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